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Study day LAUSANNE

16-17 May 2025

Study day LAUSANNE

Journeès d'ètudes EATGA enpartenariat avec CHUV Departement de psychiatrie

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La réunion du groupe de réflexion le 16 février (18h-21h)


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Munich Saturday 4 November 2023 – EATGA Scientific Meeting 1

4th november

Munich Saturday 4 November 2023 – EATGA Scientific Meeting 1

St. Ursula/St. Sylvester, Gemeinderaum der Pfarrei, Marschallstr 1b 80802 München

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Le groupe de réflexion avec Alessandra et Marlène

Le vendredi 8 septembre 2023 de 18h00 à 20h45 avec une pause de 15 minutes.

Le groupe de réflexion avec Alessandra et Marlène

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Journées d’études, Paris (version française)


Journées d’études, Paris (version française)

Le travail analytique de groupe dans des contextes inter-culturels chaotiques

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Study Days June, Paris


Study Days June, Paris

Group work in chaotic inter-cultural contexts

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REFLEXIVE MEETING 24th february 2023

February 24th 2023

REFLEXIVE MEETING 24th february 2023

from 6,00 pm

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La diversità linguistica e culturale nel lavoro di gruppo oggi

29-30 OTTOBRE 2021

La diversità linguistica e culturale nel lavoro di gruppo oggi

Seminario esperienziale di Gruppoanalisi Transculturale

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Study Day Prague – the past, the present and the future

Saturday, March 16 - 2019

Study Day Prague – the past, the present and the future

Some reflections on EATGA by Giovanna Cantarella, Antonio d'Angiò and Jaak Le Roy

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Scientific Days Ischia

4-5 May 2018

Scientific Days Ischia

The unexplored places of Transcultural Group Analysis between large multicultural groups,catastrophes and new subjecyivities

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Study Day in Paris

15-16 April 2016

Study Day in Paris

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Study Day, London

21/22/23 March 2014

Study Day, London

Group Analysis and Psychotherapy in the light of declination of "cultural"

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La città psicotica, Napoli

October 10-11-12, 2014

La città psicotica, Napoli

Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Workshop

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Study day, Milan

12-13 april 2013

Study day, Milan

Which Destiny for Subjectivity Today? Quel Destin pour la Subjectivitè aujourd'hui? Quale destino per la soggettività oggi?

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Scientific meeting, Vienna

September 14-16, 2012

Scientific meeting, Vienna

Intersubjective processes in a globalized world. An Exploration facilitated by Social Dreaming.

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Study day, Trieste

Friday, 9 - Sunday, 11 March 2012

Study day, Trieste

Globalized reality crisis: transcultural affects, thoughts and behaviors

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Scientific meeting, Basel

5th - 6th November 2011

Scientific meeting, Basel

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EATGA-AEATG Workshop, Palermo

9-11 September 2011

EATGA-AEATG Workshop, Palermo

Intersubjective Links in the Globalised Economy

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Study day, Bilbao-Deusto

18th -19th March 2011

Study day, Bilbao-Deusto

Belonging, identity and cultural shifts

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Scientific meeting, Milan

23rd - 24th October 2010

Scientific meeting, Milan

Scientific group’s meeting

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Study day, Berlin

12/14 March 2010

Study day, Berlin

Living transculturality: losses and gains

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