The number of participants for the whole experience is limited to 50 persons (psychologists, physicians, teachers, pedagogs, social workers, analysts and group analysts, also in training), Friday only not limited
Only Friday,18th Papers and Public Discussion 15€ fee, Students: 10€
Discussion and Groups on Saturday 95€
Whole Study Day Experience 95€, Students: 65€ Lunch Saturday included
EATGA members free, lunch not included
EATGA European Association of Transcultural Group Analysis
AEAGT Association Européenne pour l’Anayse de Groupe Transculturel
Study Day Bilbao, Avda. Madariaga 63, Fundación Gizakia, Spain
18th /19th March 2011, 20th EATGA assambly AGM
Registration Fax: +49 89 93 930 974 or online:
Name Name, surname/nombre y apellido…………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone number/ no tfno…………………………………………………………………………………………..
e-mail address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Registration is only fixed after paying
La reservación al Study Day está fija en el momento del pago If there is an interest in becoming a member of EATGA, on the AGM the 20th of March 2011, Registration is only fixed after paying If there is an interest in becoming a member of EATGA, on the ,
please do remark here:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Christine Schwankhart Pérez de Laborda
Fax: 0049 89 93 930 974 or online: Registration is only fixed after payingIf there is an interest in becoming a member of EATGA, on the, please do remark here:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Christine Schwankhart Pérez de Laborda Fax: 0049 89 93 930 974
Hotel reservation (directly with the hotel, EATGA reservation)
nh Hotel Deusto special rate for EATGA/OMIE double or single room 69 € incl.
breakfast (7 min. walking distance to Gizakia)
reservation Francisco Macía, 9
48014 Bilbao, +34 94 4762199, E-mail:
Hotel Barceló (Nervion)
Paseo Campo de Volantin 11, 48007 Bilbao
(20 min walking distance to Gizakia) special rate for EATGA 75€ single, double 85€
+34 94 4454700, E-mail
Hotel Conde Duque Best Western
Paseo Campo de Volantin 22, 48007 Bilbao
(20 min. walking distance to Gizakia) special rate for EATGA 78€ single, 92 € double
+34 44 44456000, E-mail: reservas@hotelcondeduque.comRegistration to the study day has to be done by FAX or e-mail (EATGA reservation) to FAX 0049 89 93930974
Payment/Pagar a:
Account nr. Deutsche Bank IBAN DE1007 0024 0249 7006 00
BIC/Swift: DEUTDEDBBER, BLZ 10070024 No of account 2497006.